Twilight Chorus

Twilight Chorus evoca un paisaje fantasmagórico donde se revelan las formas musicales y coreográficas de las obras. Las piezas seleccionadas tienen diversas texturas y cualidades expresivas que revelan la vitalidad y la vivacidad de la materialidad. Son poesías visuales cuyas formas, juguetonas y graciosas, giran y se arremolinan, como los elegantes movimientos de la bailarina. Su luminosidad, fragilidad y reflectividad aparecen, desaparecen y se transforman en el encuentro fenomenológico de los espectadores con las obras, haciendo que su función performativa sea efímera y transitoria, al igual que la respiración arrítmica del bailarín. Atrapados en su ímpetu vital, Twilight Chorus es un momento suspendido en el tiempo.
As the sun recedes below the horizon, a soft and uncertain glowing light permeates the landscape. The twilight - an in-between and temporally ambiguous moment, only lasts a few minutes. At this time, the small and almost invisible creatures of the natural realm become most active: they leave their hiding place to bustle into the night and dance into the air, waters and forests.
Twilight Chorus evokes a phantasmagorical landscape where the works’ musical and choreographic forms are revealed. The selected pieces have varying textures and expressive qualities that unveil the vibrancy and liveliness of materiality. They are visual poetries whose forms playfully and gracefully twirl and swirl, like the ballerina’s elegant movements. Their lightness, fragility and reflectivity appear, disappear and morph upon viewers’ phenomenological encounter with the works, making their performative function ephemeral and transitory, just like the dancer’s arrhythmic breath. Caught in their élan vital, Twilight Chorus is a suspended moment in time.